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Mastering Email Marketing: Boost Your Open Rates with These Six Copywriting Tips


In the vast landscape of email inboxes, where the rumor mill insists that email marketing is losing its edge, the reality is far more promising. According to Omnisend, businesses are reaping a staggering $40 for every dollar invested in email marketing, overshadowing the performance of even the closest competitor, SEO. However, the key to unlocking this potential lies in convincing recipients to not just receive but actively engage with your emails. SuperOffice’s research underscores this, with 33% of recipients citing the subject line as the primary factor influencing their decision to open an email, second only to the sender’s name.

In this comprehensive exploration, we’ll dissect the art of copywriting, focusing on how you can meticulously craft subject lines and previews that communicate personalized messages aligned with your brand voice.

open-email1. Embrace Your Brand Voice:

Foster familiarity and trust by infusing your email copy with a recognizable tone and communication style. Consider the overarching nature of your brand’s content across social media, your website, and other platforms. Align the formality, personality, and humor of your email content with what your subscribers appreciate about your brand.

Things to consider:

  • Formality, Personality, and Humor: Tailor your content to match the seriousness or levity that aligns with your brand’s identity.
  • Punctuation and Capitalization: Choose punctuation and capitalization styles that convey the desired level of professionalism, urgency, and enthusiasm.
  • Emojis: While the debate on emojis persists, use them intentionally and in moderation, considering a split test if unsure about your audience’s perception.


2. Drive Curiosity Strategically:

Striking a balance between a click-worthy subject line and delivering tangible value is an art. Motivate subscribers to explore your email content without resorting to click-bait tactics. Understand the exceptions, such as trigger emails that serve specific actions.

Side Note:

  • Trigger Emails: Certain automated emails may not require the same curiosity-driven strategy and should instead communicate their messages overtly.


3. Conciseness is key.

In a world where attention spans are fleeting, carefully choose words in subject lines. Retention science suggests that subject lines with 6–10 words yield the highest open rates (21%). Strive to encapsulate the essence of your message within this concise word limit.


  • Mobile Viewing: Recognize that subject lines and previews should be viewable on mobile devices in their entirety.


4. Communicate inherent value:

An email should never be perceived as a mere addition to the clutter in an inbox. Anticipate the recipient’s perspective by asking, “Why should I open this email?” Ensure your subject line communicates tangible value, whether in the form of information, discounts, new products, or confirmations.

Examples of value:

  • Monetary Value: Discounts and exclusive offers.
  • Non-Monetary Value: Updates, educational content, insightful information.


5. Personalize thoughtfully:

Enhance engagement by addressing recipients by their first name and incorporating personal details based on their interactions with your content or site. However, exercise caution in avoiding references to characteristics they haven’t intentionally shared.


6. Create a Sense of Urgency:

In the split second it takes to decide whether to open an email, convey a sense of urgency in the subject line. Master the delicate balance of summarizing the essence of the email and communicating its time-sensitive nature in just a few words.

Subject Line Grading Tools:

Crafting subject lines is undoubtedly nuanced, but evaluating your efforts has never been more straightforward. Utilize subject line grading tools to assess the quality of your copy. Numerous free tools are available, each offering unique features.


While the ultimate goal is to drive improvements in critical email metrics, such as click-through rates, the journey begins with getting your emails opened. AnFREE-DEMO unopened email doesn’t propel anyone down the sales funnel or contribute to conversions. As you embark on the journey of crafting compelling subject lines and previews, remember these key takeaways:

  • Stay on brand: Consistency in tone, language, and personality is paramount.
  • Drive immediate interest: Intrigue your audience at first glance.
  • Be succinct: Eight words is the sweet spot for subject lines.
  • Get personal: Make your recipients feel acknowledged.
  • Communicate value: Clearly answer, “Why should I open this email?”
  • Create urgency: Provide a compelling reason to open the email right away.

Are you ready to witness the impact of these strategies? Try our free marketing demo and experience firsthand how meticulous copywriting can transform your email open rates.

Emma Turner
Author: Emma Turner

Emma Turner, a skilled and imaginative content writer, possesses a remarkable ability to breathe life into words across diverse subjects. With a background in journalism and a passion for exploration, Emma's writing captures both the essence of storytelling and the essence of accuracy. Her keen eye for detail and commitment to in-depth research shine through in her work, creating content that not only informs but also resonates deeply with readers. Whether unraveling the intricacies of technology or eloquently articulating artistic nuances, Emma's writing reflects a genuine dedication to delivering content that educates, inspires, and engages.

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